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Workforce Development

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Course reference: 00608
Course title: Universal Healthy Lifestyles Training - Children & Young People's Practitioners (CYPP)
Target audience: Children & Young People Practitioners (CYPP)
Course Description: To review the Eatwell Guide and increase the confidence of staff discussing and promoting healthy eating and good nutrition • To identify evidence based resources that can be used to promote good nutrition • To increase knowledge of how food and nutrition can impact health • A brief review of public health nutrition related problems in children including fussy eating, constipation, vit D, iron, oral health etc. • To increase knowledge of practical nutrition, to improve the skills of families and young people to have a healthy diet. • To give an insight of how to give advice if a child is plant based/has a CMPA. When to refer onto the THLP & when you need to refer back to Caseload Holder ** PLEASE SELF-ENROL VIA THE LINK TO ESR BELOW. **
Course Details/Information:
Course costs: Free to CityCare staff
Course administrator: Learning & Development   email:
Workplace training: Unfortunately we are unable to offer this training in your workplace
Statutory requirement: Essential Course - No Update Required

To view available dates and book this course please visit the following website: