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Workforce Development

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Course reference: 00385
Course title: Breast Feeding Update Training
Target audience: City care 0-19 clinical staff band 2-7 who have previously completed the 2 day breast feeding course provided by the organisation and who require an update.
Course Description: One day UPDATE for staff who have already completed the 2 day breastfeeding training and require an update. Includes Positioning and Attachment, barriers to breastfeeding,common problems/ issues of breastfeeding and their management. The importance of skin to skin, benefits of breastfeeding. Constituents of breast milk. Hand expression and combination feeding Case studies and practical assessment. This training is to be completed every 3 years
Course Details/Information:
Course costs:
Course administrator: Workforce Development   email:
Workplace training: This course is to be offered in your workplace. Please speak to your local Breastfeeding Lead for further information.
Statutory requirement: Optional Course - No Update Required