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Course reference: 00532
Course title: Tissue Viability: Lower limb assessment - Part 2
Target audience: For registered nurses who have undertaken Part 1 Wendy Dabell to complete training directly within the individual PCN team bases. Dates, times and venues will be distributed to the relevant teams once rooms have been booked within their base.
Course Description: Holistic assessment and management of leg ulcers, leaky legs, and lower leg oedema. *************************************** Part 3 will involve a pre-arranged joint visit(s) in clinical practice between yourself and a Tissue Viability Nurse to undertake a patient leg assessment together to consolidate learning from Part 1 and Part 2. ************************************** Part 4 will involve you undertaking an OSCE (objective, structured clinical examination) in a classroom setting once you have undertaken Parts 1, 2 and 3 to sign off the Leg Assessment Competency document. This will be co-ordinated by the Tissue Viability Team
Course Details/Information:
Course costs: Fully funded for staff employed by Nottingham CityCare Partnership CIC
Course administrator: Tissue Viability Team   email:
Workplace training:
Statutory requirement: Essential Course - No Update Required

Dates currently available for this course

There are no dates currently arranged for this course, Please contact the Course Administrator for more information.