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Workforce Development

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Course reference: 00638
Course title: 0-19 SEND Training
Target audience:
Course Description: This training will cover the statutory requirements of Section 23 notification and referral into services within the 0-19 teams. Whilst section 23 refers to children under the age of four, the training is beneficial to all professionals within the 0-19 team. Participants will learn about the services the Local Authority offers in terms of early years SEND teams and support services and the differences between a Section 23 notification, referral or both. It will also cover referral into the Behavioural and Emotional Health Team and the difference between learning disability and difficulty. Information on some conditions will be discussed including supportive networks and the importance of supporting children and their families with Programme of Care and those that may be waiting or undergoing the assessment process. The importance of communication and neuro divergent language will also be addressed to ensure the service is meeting the needs of SEND children within our locality.
Course Details/Information:
Course costs:
Course administrator:   email:
Workplace training: Unfortunately we are unable to offer this training in your workplace
Statutory requirement: Essential Course - Update required

To view available dates and book this course please visit the following website: