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Workforce Development

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Course reference: 00167
Course title: Moving and Handling - Level 2 Patient and Object (Practical)
Target audience: All CityCare employees with direct patient contact or a clinical registration
Course Description: This Mandatory/Statutory M&H course provided at Nottingham CityCare is guided by the National Back exchange and adopts a modular approach: A. Manual Handling theory B. Inanimate load handling including practical C. Sitting, standing and walking, touches and holds and communication including demonstration and practical in a simulated environment D. Bed Mobility including demonstration and practical in a simulated environment E. Lateral Transfers including some practical elements F. The use of hoists and slings including demonstration and practical in a simulated environment . The course will include all of these elements but will only be completed by the candidate to the levels which they require for example if you never hoist a patient you would not complete module F. This training then needs to be put into practice and assessed on a regular basis to ensure poor practice has not developed. The training then needs to be re addressed on a two-yearly basis. This session is a practical session and candidates should be dressed and wearing footwear suitable to carry out the practical elements safely. Anyone attending without these may, due to health and safety, be asked to book onto another session. Advanced M&H is available to cover any elements not covered in this session
Course Details/Information:
Course costs: Fully funded for staff employed by Nottingham CityCare Partnership CIC
Course administrator: Workforce Development, Nottingham CityCare Partnership CIC   email:
Workplace training: Unfortunately we are unable to offer this training in your workplace
Statutory requirement: Statutory Course - Update Required

To view available dates and book this course please visit the following website: